ApolloX – Decentralized Crypto Derivatives Exchange

Exchange of Decentralized Crypto Derivatives

Choose how you want to trade on ApolloX – the world’s first CEX-DEX hybrid crypto exchange with deep liquidity, stable system functionality, and up to 100x leverage.

  • ApolloX Offers You The usual benefits as seen on ApolloX CEX. Start trading on DEX and Enjoy incredible accessibility to crypto futures.
  • Fast & Stable System
    With ApolloX fast and reliable system functionality, users do not have to worry about system downtime.

ApolloX Bitcoin Future Trading

Deep Liquidity
Unparalleled order-book liquidity allows users to trade efficiently with minimal slippage.
High Leverage
Users can trade crypto futures freely with up to 100x leverage.

ApolloX was created by executives from traditional financial institutions, technology firms, and prominent cryptocurrency exchanges. ApolloX aims to make cryptocurrency available to the whole population, not only traders and quants. There is always room for additional users to enter the cryptocurrency field, and ApolloX would want to help make that happen. Simultaneously, ApolloX hopes to instill honesty and customer-centricity in the crypto business. That’s why launched ApolloX, the world’s most popular cryptocurrency exchange.

‘ApolloX’ is a mash-up of the word ‘Apollo’ with the letter ‘X.’ The Apollo program, which succeeded in landing the first humans on the Moon, is referred to as Apollo. The letter X stands for cryptocurrency exchange. The name ApolloX symbolizes ApolloX’s hopes for the rising crypto sector and ApolloX exchange.

ApolloX believes in the future of blockchain technology and works hard to make cryptocurrencies accessible to everyone. Investing and speculating in cryptocurrency assets has become overly sophisticated and technical. ApolloX objective is to make this incredible technology available to everyone, regardless of ability. ApolloX team working on a new, user-friendly platform where users may purchase, sell, hold, and speculate on crypto assets. Ordinary folks with amazing values designed it.


Participation is open to anyone, not only Wall Street traders.
Our top objective is to keep your valuables safe when exchanging them with 2FA.
Extreme Liquidity
Unrivaled order-book liquidity enables customers to trade efficiently and with little slippage.
System Functionality
You’ll never have to worry about system downtime with our steady and dependable system functioning.
Customer Service
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days
Having issues? ApolloX customer service staff is available to assist you. 24/7 access to highly-trained individuals, who are not happy unless you are.

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